English News

GER-Rwanda gathers youth group leaders to dialogue on reconciliation

Youth group leaders in a company of Executive Director for GER Mr. Musore Innocent and Rev. Dr. Antoine Rutayisire (Centre) pose for a group photo during a consultative meeting held  at Centre Christus Urumuri on 5th, April,2022.

The Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation (GER) in partnership with Community Force for Change (CFOR) organized a one -day consultative meeting for healing the past, reconciling and facilitating the future of youth group leaders from across the country, under the theme.”Beyond Conflicts Rwanda program”

The consultative meeting that attracted fifty youth group leaders from the Districts of Bugesera, Gasabo, Kicukiro, Musanze, Ruhango and Rwamagana was held on 5th, April 2022 at Centre Christus Urumuri in Remera Sector, in Gasabo District.

Giving a key note address is the Executive Director for GER Mr. Musore Innocent.

In his opening remarks, the Executive Director for Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation Mr. Musore Innocent urged youth group leaders to act as agents of change for the betterment of the society. “If you are to be good agents of change you need to change first, be healed and then help others heal” he said

He said that changes should start within you, to your families, communities and impact the entire Rwandan society.

He lauded the government of Rwanda for good leadership which he said has become a peace model across the globe.  He further told the youth to be proud of your country and take this grand opportunity to be ambassadors of change. “Rwanda has become a beacon of hope. Countries across the globe are learning from us”, he added, requesting youth to observe the 28th anniversary for Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Innocent appreciated the districts for good cooperation. His Thanked CFOR team and in particular   Dr. Arlene and Jean Claude Audergon for partnership.

Rev. Dr. Antoine Rutayisire delivers a message to the youth group leaders who attended a consultative meeting at Centre Christus Urumuri on 5th, April 2022.

On his part Rev. Dr.Antoine Rutayisire applauded GER for unity and reconciliation drive in the Rwandan community. He commended the organization for a great job done which he said has built peace and stability in the country through peace building and conflict transformation. He advised youth group leaders to be the now scenario for positive change and development.

He also requested the youth to be an engine of change. “As youth you should carry reconciliation message to the rest in the community in order to heal the hearts of many”, he said. He lauded the government of National Unity for widening reconciliation gates. He noted the initiative has restored peace and security in the country.

Youth group leaders in a consultative meeting held on 5th, April, 2022 at Centre Christus Urumuri.

While addressing a consultative meeting Madam Josephine Murebwayire a Unity Champion at the national level and an elder who fought the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi advised the youth to sensitize the rest in the community where they live to be patriotic for the good of the nation. “As youth you are in a better position to convey the message of hope to those you live with and interact with on a daily basis. This will set a good stepping stone for the next generation”, she said.

In an interview with Dative Mushimiyimana who hails from Juru sector in Bugesera District, said she admired the dialogue as it increased her own understanding of the necessity for reconciliation among Rwandans and vowed to carry out as advised.

Another youth participant from Rwamagana District Patrick Niyonzima had this to say: “All the ideas and thoughts acquired from the workshop will be conveyed to the rest of the youth in the community and this will help me unite my family members who have been embroiled in family wrangles.

For his part, Ndagijimana Claude from Gasabo District in the City of Kigali commended the GER for effective and timely training that has accorded him potential for becoming an agent of change in his community to help change others for the betterment of the country.

Notably, the GER is on the forefront to ensuring unity and reconciliation in Rwanda and in the Great lakes Region, focusing primarily on stemming the tide of violence and conflicts in the community.


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